
Monday, 4 April 2016

Dr. Donald Sonn: Greenlight Laser Therapy – What to Expect

Greenlight laser therapy is a non-invasive treatment option for those who are suffering from symptoms of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). Dr. Donald Sonn, Urologist, and specialist in greenlight laser therapy and says, "men can now have a safe and effective surgical treatment for their enlarged prostate, with a much shorter recovery period than the standard operation.” This treatment is an excellent option for those looking to return to their normal lifestyle sooner and provides rapid relief of the many symptoms associated with BPH. Some of the many benefits of this treatment include less bleeding, shortened recovery periods, and little to no hospital stay for patients.

During the treatment, the physician will use a laser to heat and vaporize the excess prostate tissue which allows urine to pass through more easily and create a larger urine channel. This process often results in the restoration of a natural flow of urine for most patients. The added benefit of treatment performed on an outpatient basis allows for most patients to go home within a matter of a few hours’ post-op, although everyone reacts differently and may require more or less time before being released.

Dr. Donald Sonn was among the first in his region to offer the treatment through Cooley Dickinson Hospital and has since performed the surgery countless times. Having the ability to provide an option for treatment that provides rapid relief of highly uncomfortable symptoms is important for Sonn and the many doctors who work to educate themselves in the newest treatment options to provide their patients.

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